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Paraguay Mail Scanning

Efficient Mail Scanning & Shredding

Document Handling & Forwarding

Real Street Address in Paraguay

English-Speaking Customer Support

We create mail solutions that we trust for ourselves

Our mail services are crafted with precision and care, ensuring seamless and reliable service to get to you anywhere in the world. We prioritize security and efficiency, offering you the best in digital mail management, straight from Paraguay.

Mailing Plans


At Paraguay Postal, we offer all Paraguayan residents and non-residents easy access to a physical address and virtual mail management. Depending on your chosen place, we scan your incoming mail directly to your email address, where you can choose to download, forward, or shred your mail.

Your address and mailbox is active for as long as your subscription is active. Once your subscription is inactive, we will no longer be able to scan or forward your mail.

We accept online payment via all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Google Pay.

You can cancel your account anytime by emailing us at [email protected]. Once your account is cancelled, we will cease future payments. 

Yes. Only our employees will view your mail if you request for the mail to be scanned. Otherwise, all mail will be kept or discarded, based on your instruction.

Please note all incoming mail is sent to your email inbox on file. You may choose next action steps once the file is in your inbox.

Depending on your plan, we accept packages of various sizes. Please note all storage pricing is noted under each service plan.

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